Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Quick Facts

Hey all, I'm in Rome right now but I figured I would share a few quick things and update with a longer post a little later.

- In Italy everybody smokes, doesn't matter when or where but people just light up when they need a fix.
- Vespas are like mosquitos around here, bikes (actual bicycles) and vespas are just about equal to the number of cars here and there are absolutely no rules of the road. Running red lights, perfectly acceptable. Weaving into the opposite lane, no problem. 50 MPH in the middle of downtown through pedestrians, who cares? I think I would be scared for my life if I ever drove with anyone around here.
- Italian women are hot. All of them. It's just a matter of which ones are more beautiful since they all are.
- The train system here and throughout Europe is great. If they had something like this back home I bet people would travel much more, especially in the northeast.
- It's freakin' hot here. 90s everyday and no clouds. I got an instant tan after the first day.
- Wine is fantastic here, and I don't even really like wine. Too bad there's no way to bring any home.
- Finally, most all of the people I have met have been great. That's definitely one of the best things about traveling by yourself. There are so many oppotunities to meet new people and make great friends from all over the world.

Take care everyone! Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. I seriously can't believe you are doing this!!! You are so brave! Um, and I sure as heck know what you are talking about with the Italian driving. My mother (worst driver ever) drove me and my sister around Italy once and I seriously was afraid for my life. We were almost killed by a Mac truck. Keep updating and posting pics! I am gonna keep up with you! -Ellee Burkholder
