and never a small plane. It was much quieter and much more relaxing than I had thought it would be, almost made me want to take lessons! Renato used to be a pilot for Alitalia airlines and now he just flies once a week. But I got great views of Orte, the surrounding towns, and even Elisabeth's house! The pictures are of the airplane, Renato and me, the runway, Elisabeth's house from the air, and Orte from the air. We were up in the air for about 15 minutes total and I saw quite a few things though. I think Renato has taken everyone in Elisabeth's family up in the airplane at one point or another. He lives about 20 minutes away and has a farm of his own that he takes care of. He usually comes over for lunch or dinner once or twice a week, so I've gotten to chat with him before. Very nice of him to take me up in the plane though and definitely an exp erience I never would have had in Italy if I had just stayed in hostels in the big cities the entire time!
That was Friday, and on Thursday night we had another helper come here, the one I said was cute in the picture Elisabeth showed me. And while she was cute, she was definitely not cut out for working on a farm. Notice how I said "was"....we'll get to that later. Anyway though, she got here Thursday night and didn't wake up for breakfast until AFTER I got back from my plane ride, which was like 10:30-11:00. Not a good start, which she compounded by making excuses for it. Usually we work from 8-11 or 12, then rest and work a little in the afternoon. And yes I knew she didn't know anything about the house right away, but Catherine was there to give her some simple jobs if she would have woken up. It was all pretty much downhill from there. Camilla and Elisabeth are just different people and everytime Camilla wanted to help she would do it her own way and act like she was in her own house. I figure that going to someone's house to work is like a first you follow the recipe and how it's done, then after you're used to it you make changes to do it your own way. Camilla didn't realize that and whenever she would do something wrong she would just make excuses and not admit she was wrong. On the other hand, Elisabeth didn't treat her very well and didn't give her much of a chance to let her learn. It was just a bad situation that didn't work out. She ended up leaving on Sunday....I can explain more at home if anyone wants to hear it all.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but how in the hell is cold water bad for your health? Water is naturally cold in the mountains and from spring where people drink it. Sticking it in the refrigerator uses energy to make it cold, but there's no way it could be bad for your health. But please, someone correct me if I'm wrong. And secondly, I find it ridiculous that I can't use my own container that will never be thrown away. I use it to drink water simply because I have a lot at a time to drink that way. It's not really a big deal to live with at the house, we just have discussions about it all, but that's just an example of life here. Some stuff seriously just doesn't make sense.
This time I'll REALLY start to update more often. Thanks again for all of your comments and e-mails everyone! Ciao!
P.S. To make any of the photos bigger just drag them into your address bar at the top of the screen.
Hi Matt:
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update. Guess what? Andrew and Kerry had their baby boy. Braydon was born today and he's very cute! I'll send you the pictures.
The plane ride, the beach, the pool. You're having a wonderful time.
Love Ya,
ReplyDeleteI love the crazy water thing...I'm with you, how can cold water be bad for your health? Haha. Hope you get to know the girls coming from Boston, it'll be nice to have some new visitors! Sounds like you're still having a great time, I'm so glad. Miss ya!