Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I'll keep this short because I really don't like posting without pictures and I'm sure most of you don't enjoy reading as much without pictures.

Today is my last day in Portugal, and I'll save the details for when I get back home I suppose. My time here has been nice...but interesting also. To sum it up though, I was here about 4 days, my host Susie had to go to Spain for 5 days, and I have been here another 4 days before I leave tomorrow. The area here is beautiful with the great beaches and perfect weather everyday. Overall I think this HelpX left a little something to be desired though, like I said I'll save the details for back home. I have had a good time experiencing it all though. Nothing is ever a mistake in my book, only a lesson to grow and learn about myself.

Off to Ireland tomorrow! Staying with my host Barbara and her 8 year-old son Reuben in a tiny town called Castletownshend on the south coast. Leave there on October 2nd and then to Scotland for the Loch Ness Marathon! I've been training pretty hard for that and it should be a good one.

While this post is pretty short though, I'll try to list all of the cities I've slept a night in just to get a feel for how I've been traveling around and the places I've seen. I figured it'd be interesting for all of you to see as well...

Pisa, Italy (Couch of apartment)
Florence, Italy
Rome, Italy
Orte, Italy
Venice, Italy
Purbach, Austria
Budapest, Austria
Frankfurt, Germany (Train Station)
Damiatte, France
Carcassonne, France (Car)
Avignon, France (Soccer Field)
Montpelier, France (Train Station)
Girona, Spain (Airport)
Tutzing, Germany
Malaga, Spain (Airport)
Lobras, Spain
Figueira, Portugal

I think there may have been a couple cities I left out, but it's been quite the ride! Hope everyone is well at home, pictures for sure from Ireland!


  1. Matt-Been a while since we espoke. Love to read your stories. You know you will be talking about this experience the rest of your life. i also bet you $100.00 dollars right now you will retell a few of your favorites to your kids someday and they will say---Dad you told me that story already. Keep that in mind the next time your Mom or Dad retell one of their great adventures. Don't tell them you already told me that one. be polite and say - no i never heard it.

    Our exciting news is mostly the same. work. enough said.

    Your Mom and Dad and Carol and i are planning a trip to Italy next fall. We promise you though there will be no compost bathrooms in our trip blog.

    I bought a mac over the weekend- let me know if you want to ichat. If you have a wireelss connection sometime in your future.

    Best of luck on your adventure and remember that as you close your trip and ready for REAL life forensic accounting can be fun too- say that a 1000 times and you be amazed at what mind over matter can control.


  2. Hi Matt-

    Wow- what an adventure you have had...it has been great to read about it all.... Uncle Bill is tired of me working so much...but luckily things are slowing down a little... we will look forward to seeing all your photos at Thanksgiving..... by the way, your beautiful wedding gift for Erin and T.J. arrived...she has not been home to receive it yet, but it was very thoughtful of you. Take care and good luck in the Marathon! Love, Aunt Carol
